Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Love New York

Was back in New York again, this time to finish shooting Clara Law's film, "Like a Dream". It's been a rough and tough few months. We began shooting in July in Taipei then Shanghai and finally here. I'm so wasted from this shoot having lost over 15 pounds. Despite all the suffering I really think this is going to be a good one. I can't wait to see it. I guess my reward for all the blood seat and tears(literally) is that we finished in one of my favorite cities in the world. Check out some NY images below.

The Guggenheim Museum by architect Frank Lloyd Wright is a structure that never ceases to amaze me. I can't even imagine what people were thinking when it opened in 1937, I know it angered many but it must have really blown people away.

The spiral motif appears all over the place inside.

One of my favorite artists Jeff Koons had an exhibition of his sculptures on top the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I love this piece. The Met is crazy big. Even a full day is not enough time here but it's amazing to see examples of art from the beginning of time to now in just one place.

This piece was part of a special exhibition at The Met entitled "Race and Indentity". If you look closely, this head is made out of patent leather pumps.

This ad is just silly funny.

Saw this at a private gallery on Houston St. It's sad to see Grover from Sesame Street end up like this. I wonder what happened? Now he's broke and a drunk. I wonder if he'll make a come back like Robert Downey Jr.?

But you don't have to goto a museum to see art in New York. Nice piece of graffiti here in Union Square.

This is just so wrong. It looked ten times worse in person. But I see this all the time all over the place. Guys and girls from all walks of life. I really just don't get it. How can you not know half of your ass is hanging out of your pants?

And I can't talk about New York without talking about the food!!! Had several good meals while I was here in an effort to gain back some of that lost weight. This was todays breakfast. You can never go wrong at Clinton Street Bakery. Usually you've got to wait 30-40 minutes for a seat but this time there was a free table just as we walked in. This is the Southern Breakfast. Two eggs, cheese grits, candied bacon and two fried green tomatoes coupled up with some coffee and a glass of fresh squeezed oj and you're ready to start your day!

I think I fall deeper and deeper in love with this place every time I come here. I'm leaving tomorrow, I wish I could stay longer but I'm dying to get home after being gone for so long.

Monday, October 6, 2008

I hate this woman!

I know I wasn't gonna get too political here but I just can't help it. I really hate Sarah Palin. If McCain gets elected, I might have to shoot myself. He would be the oldest president ever to take office and if he had a stroke or his cancer came back, this is who we'd have running things? Even as a vice president she's an idiot and embarrassment to all American people. She reminds me of a female George Bush with that stupid smug look on her face when she speaks. I'm an actor, I can detect an insincere smile masking insecurity from a million miles away. The winking and "folksyness" is her playing up a persona. I don't understand the folksy appeal anyway, I don't want the soccer mom next door running making big decisions for my country. I don't want somebody just like me and that I could relate to, I would want someone way more intelligent than me skillfully handling the serious problems that our country needs to face right now. No more fakes please, we need someone genuine and sincere up there running things. Watch her interview with Katie Couric struggling to keep that smile while failing miserably at trying to connect Russia's geographical closeness to Alaska as an example of her foreign policy experience.

Watch Matt Damon rip her one here:

And this is just the very very tiny little sliver of the tip of the iceberg here about why she is so wrong for America. I could go on and on. Her recent attempt to smear Obama as having "terrorist relations" because he knew a guy that was part of the Weathermen back in the sixties is ridiculous. Just as stupid as when Fox news tried to call Barrack and Michelle's fist bump a terrorist handshake. I bet she had never heard of the Weathermen until someone on her staff told her to make those comments and she probably still doesn't. The Weathermen are not the kind of terrorists that we need to be fighting never mind the fact that they don't exist in that form anymore. What's next? Would she accuse Obama of being a terrorist himself for considering Malcom X a role model since he used violence in his early days? I'm sure Palin's logic would probably draw the link. If you're American, you better vote, this will be probably the most important election ever. If you care about America and want some respectable people in the White House for a change, then you better vote Obama/Biden.