Thursday, September 4, 2008

Nasty Neighbor

Ever had an unreasonably nasty neighbor? They're a pain in the ass, kind of like getting a splinter that you can't pull out. There's this lady who lives below me and she's one of those nasty ones. When I moved in three years ago, I was unpacking boxes at around 9:30 at night and she came up to complain about the noise. I told her I was sorry but that I wasn't actually making that much noise and I would try to be more quiet. Mind you they live two floors below me. Then just as I was about to shut the door she started going off about how her son gets up early and how I woke him up. I felt bad because she made it seem like he was a toddler that I woke up so I apologized again and shut the door. A couple days later I was in the same lift with them and saw that the son was a teenager, I highly doubt he was the one complaining because he had his ipod on blasting music.
So after that incident I thought, well I'm new here so I should be nice, so the next time I ran into her in the lift I smiled and said hi but she had nothing but dirty looks in return. She has also been very rude to my girlfriend as well. One time, while riding the same lift, she even had the audacity to cough back into the elevator while exiting. I mean she actually stepped out then turned her head back towards the elevator and coughed at us. Is that really neccessary? You would figure in the three years that I have living here that she would chill out. I even caught her twice snooping around and looking into the window of my car and the car of a friend of mine.
Then yesterday, as I was carring a very heavy box out of the lobby, she was on the other side of the door about to come in. When she saw me, she decided to take her time going in by slowly blocking the door and then pushed it inwards into me so I had to take several steps back. As I walked past her she told me that I needed to be patient!
Not once in all the times that she has been rude to me or my girlfriend have we ever said anything back. We've always been polite and just ingored her nasty comments or looks or actions because I feel that people like that will get what they deserve. She's just a bitter, nasty, over weight, unhappy divorcee house wife that has nothing better to do than to hold a three year grudge for nothing. When she was messing with me yesterday I wanted to ask her what the hell her problem was but then I decided she did not even deserve that. When you come across idiots like this, the best thing you can do is ignore them because really all they want is attention and by responding you're just feeding the fire.
I'm moving in a couple months anyway but I truly believe Karma will get her in the end. Most of the people that have been nasty to me have always had something really bad happen to them later. It's simple physics, an action will be met by an equal reaction. If you're nice to people they'll be nice back to you. If you're nasty to people, nasty things will happen to you.
I know this because I used to be a real jerk when I was younger. I would make fun of people or say really nasty things to get attention. During that time nothing good ever happened to me. Once I got into college, I decided it was the perfect opportunity to try to make a change in my life, new people new environment. It could have been less of a conscious decision and more of me becoming more mature but you know what? It really worked. I started to get better grades and lots of great opportunites began to unfold in front of me. Now I've got an awesome career and really believe that's because I stopped being a jerk. Too bad the lady downstairs hasn't realized that yet.


Blogger Yumyumcha said...

Dude, peeps like that are just plain mean, she probably isn't doing it to you specifically but rather to everyone she comes across. Is it an excuse for her, no, but like you said karma is a bitch.

Or maybe she blames you for the demise of edison chen.

September 4, 2008 at 10:44 AM  
Blogger Anna Liu said...

That lady sure sounds like a miserable wench who wants to make everyone else's life miserable. I bet that lady will miss you and your girlfriend after you move one left for her to spray her nastiness on. :)

I 100% agree with you about karma, what goes around really comes raound. Life is pretty fair, isn't it?

September 4, 2008 at 12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

really, hmm, maybe i should start being nicer

September 4, 2008 at 9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is amazing how some people can be so nasty for nothing.
sometimes we'll begin to ask ourselves "wat did i ever do to u"
u start to wonder if karma ever exist...wat goes around should come around, mayb juz not as fast as we wan it to.
when people constantly test your patience, u wonder why u wld wan to just swallow it and move on. Then again...

there's no secret to living,just keep on walking

September 4, 2008 at 11:01 PM  
Blogger windrain said...

Yep. there are lots of people out there who live for that sad behavior. Your neighbor likely thrives on it, unfortunately.
She probably comes up w/ new ways to be rude & nasty whenever you and girlfriend passes by. Good that you're moving, bad for new tenant.
Hope Kharma hits her sooner rather than later;)

September 5, 2008 at 12:48 PM  
Blogger CL said...

"She's just a bitter, nasty, over weight, unhappy divorcee house wife that has nothing better to do than to hold a three year grudge for nothing."

Sure she's rude & your hate is fully justified, but what has her weight and marital status got to do with her personality?

September 6, 2008 at 4:25 PM  
Blogger CL said...

"She's just a bitter, nasty, over weight, unhappy divorcee house wife that has nothing better to do than to hold a three year grudge for nothing."

Sure she's rude & your hate is fully justified, but what has her weight and marital status got to do with her personality?

September 6, 2008 at 4:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Mind you they live two floors below me." does she have superman hearing???

karma's a pretty magical thing... even if it doesn't happen to that person directly it will hit someone related / next generation... it will happen, just a matter of when.

i try to live by patience and kindess even when i want to drop kick someone because in the end it's just not worth it. you waste energy and time talking with someone who's a species of their own kind.

i read somwhere once: "Don't argue with idiots because they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."

not to say that we should warrant unnecessary rudeness and behavior. some people are just plain nasty. but then they'll met someone nastier who'll bitch slap them. :P

September 6, 2008 at 4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, i believe when you come across assholes like your fat neighbor you should lay into them with everything you got everytime you can, i also believe you should go out of your way to give them a taste of their own medicine and then some. I have dealt with these type of assholes and tried your way, i have to say thought, i rather deal with it my way.

September 7, 2008 at 5:10 PM  
Blogger L.L. said...

As if you've already found a solution to this situation though I don't see any happiness between the lines. You know karma is only one tiny part of Buddhism and it's absolutely not the essence of this religion. When we expect it to happen on someone we dislike, we're unfortunately doing no good to ourselves either. Neglect does separate you away from her but doesn't make you stand higher.

September 8, 2008 at 11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as the saying goes, "what goes around, comes around."


September 9, 2008 at 12:52 AM  
Blogger Perry said...

Dude, gotta' love HK. Since you're calling an elevator a "lift", it's gotta' be HK. No offense but HK SUCKS because of people like your neighbor and all of it's materialistic B.S. and posing. I visited HK during the time of the original "4 heavenly kings" and was disgusted that my 70 year old relative's lives revolved around celebrity gossip.

On that note....I'm surprised your neighbor and her kid don't actually "worship the ground that you walk on".

Glad to see you finally came clean on "being a jerk." All that "nice guy" stuff about you was a bit hard to swallow.

So,..."Why the hell" do I read your blogs?....because like yourself, I'm an ABC from the bay area, who's rediscovered Chinese pride and culture after high school. On the other hand, I'm the first to "bash Asians" for their lack of culture.....

Posting on here's also "my claim to fame." " Yeah, I know that dude, I "blog" with him all the time...."--NOT


Yep', I've been there too....

September 12, 2008 at 9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have similar neighbors, they are related. I will try being extra nice. I tried ignoring but then they attaked. So maybe karma will take care of things.

March 19, 2009 at 10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



March 28, 2009 at 2:58 PM  

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