Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Eric Nakamura in the spotlight

If you're in Japan town LA come see my friend Eric. I have been a contributor to his magazine Giant Robot for over 10 years. Now I get to interview him live on stage. I like being on this side of an interview. That's a silly picture of me, not sure where they got that from.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Asian Americans Represent!

I'm back home in SF right now and my Mom of all people showed me this last night so I had to put it up. I blogged about this topic before a while back but it's good to hear the young kids out there voicing their opinion. I don't know KevJumba but he's speaking the truth, saying things I've been thinking since I was a kid. It's not that there are not any cool Asian guys out there, it's that mainstream America won't let us be anything more than than the "Long Duk Dong", asexual nerdboys or chopsocky kung fu guys or broken ass English triad guys.  I mean now you have guys like Masi Oka, Daniel Dae Kim and John Cho, but they are only given variations of that same old sterotype. Many people have asked me why haven't I made the transition back home, well to tell you the truth it's not up to me. It's up to America and the people in power in Hollywood to take the initiative to put someone like me or any one of the many other talented and cool Asian American Male actors out there in good roles. Just look at the talent on this site alone! Sung Kang, Jason Tobin, Dustin Nguyen, Roger Fan, Andrew Lin. Terence Yin, Andy On, Johnny Lu, Vanness Wu the list goes on and on. We all speak perfect English and were either born and/or raised in America and we have all paid our dues. Like the prelude to the Beijing Olympics motto: "We Are Ready!". Just open the doors, because we are ready to represent.
To all the KevJumba's out there, keep it up and make the message loud and clear because it's people like you that will help make that change. Peace!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I eat bugs!

Promoting Shinjuku Incident was a crazy whirlwind of work that was not fun but had to be done, I barely had enough time to eat and sleep much less blog. Now that that's all over, I've got a bca log of stuff that will slowly make it's way onto this blog. Here's one of them in no particular order:Yes, those are bugs and yes I tried everyone of them. I was in Yunnan, China filming a tv commercial and they had these in a restaurant so we decided to have a try. The thing on the far left is a dried shrimp but the big ones are deep fried Dragon Flies and the little white ones are some kind of caterpillar. The dragon flies were pretty good and actually tasted better than the dried shrimp. Crispy and crunchy. That caterpillar was edible but I wouldn't try it again. When I bit into it oily guts squished out. Did not like that.
I actually tried them first then got everyone else to try.
I've actually had bigger and grosser looking insects in Thailand. Grasshoppers and scorpions both taste kind of like soft shell crab. What weirdness have you consumed?