Thursday, April 9, 2009

I eat bugs!

Promoting Shinjuku Incident was a crazy whirlwind of work that was not fun but had to be done, I barely had enough time to eat and sleep much less blog. Now that that's all over, I've got a bca log of stuff that will slowly make it's way onto this blog. Here's one of them in no particular order:Yes, those are bugs and yes I tried everyone of them. I was in Yunnan, China filming a tv commercial and they had these in a restaurant so we decided to have a try. The thing on the far left is a dried shrimp but the big ones are deep fried Dragon Flies and the little white ones are some kind of caterpillar. The dragon flies were pretty good and actually tasted better than the dried shrimp. Crispy and crunchy. That caterpillar was edible but I wouldn't try it again. When I bit into it oily guts squished out. Did not like that.
I actually tried them first then got everyone else to try.
I've actually had bigger and grosser looking insects in Thailand. Grasshoppers and scorpions both taste kind of like soft shell crab. What weirdness have you consumed?


Anonymous Ivan said...

i've had fried locusts before near Beijing, i was a bit apprehensive at first but they turned out to be delicious; very rich and buttery.

on the slightly less weird side, i've drunken lobster blood mixed with rice wine (came with my lobster sashimi in Taiwan) and ate entire roasted finches (minus beak) in one bite near Jiangmen. i was told they were illegal to serve in HKSAR so i ate a lot :)

April 9, 2009 at 12:03 PM  
Blogger CL said...

Haha, I was at one of your promo spots (that rainy KL evening), was fun seeing you and Jackie! Anyhow I've always wanted to try these stuff but I've never been outside Malaysia as far as I can remember, lol. I'm most looking forward to grasshoppers and some crunchy bug that I dunno the name of IF I ever get to see a bug stall in real life. Not a fan of worms, whether dead or alive or fried and (seemingly) edible. Ewww.

April 10, 2009 at 9:57 AM  
Blogger CL said...

Haha, I was at one of your promo spots (that rainy KL evening), was fun seeing you and Jackie! Anyhow I've always wanted to try these stuff but I've never been outside Malaysia as far as I can remember, lol. I'm most looking forward to grasshoppers and some crunchy bug that I dunno the name of IF I ever get to see a bug stall in real life. Not a fan of worms, whether dead or alive or fried and (seemingly) edible. Ewww.

April 10, 2009 at 10:06 AM  
Blogger L.L. said...

I've had baluts in Nanjing many years ago. They looked horrifying but tasted not bad at all.

April 11, 2009 at 11:14 PM  
Blogger laura kateri said...

Props to you for trying all those bugs. The weirdest thing I've tried in Beijing, which isn't really THAT weird, is deep-fried starfish. It didn't taste like much, pretty bland.

April 21, 2009 at 11:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@.@ ... i'm squirmish about insects soo... if i ever do though the "oily guts squished out" would freak me out a little vs. crispy and crunchy...

April 26, 2009 at 12:00 AM  

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