Monday, March 24, 2008

Wild Turkeys!

For some reason there are wild turkeys living in the community that my parents live. You often hear them gobbling super loud but are usually hidden in the bushes or somewhere out of sight. The other day while I was cleaning out the garage I spotted some. Too bad there is no zoom on my camera but you get the picture. They are big and actually quite beautiful. Definitely something you don't see in Hong Kong. You'd be hard pressed to find frozen turkey.


Blogger Perry said...

Turkey's are in VOGUE in the east bay.

Dude!!, About 1/2 a month ago, I saw half a dozen live/wild turkeys running down the hill, in the middle of the street, in a very urbanized area of Oakland. They looked like they just escaped from prison, the way they were running. For a split second, I thought about trying to round them up, so they wouldn't get run over by cars....Then I thought, "How the hell will I do that by myself?" Never knew what became of them after they made it to Park Boulevard.

March 25, 2008 at 10:08 PM  

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