Hope the Rat year is filled with lots of cheese for everybody. Spent the Chinese New Year in Beijing hanging out with Cousin Martin and some old friends. On New Year's eve, we went out to a friends house in the out skirts of Beijing, very close to where I shot The Banquet. We went out on the frozen river to shoot off fireworks. I didn't know you could buy fireworks this big. It was insane. Since we were a bunch of naughty guys, there was no order to lighting them off. Midnight came and everyone went crazy. There were so many going off at once it felt like a war or something. Now that I think about it, it was kind of dangerous, but when the hell are fireworks ever safe? Anyway, it was a fun and exciting ten minutes of chaos and I'm happy to have made it out alive and with all my fingers. Check out the video I shot above.
thats awesome man, happy new years!
I see, you spent the Chinese New Year in Beijing. I've heard people saw you in Beijing's shopping mall and IKEA. Boy, you just can't go anywhere with out been recongnized.
Lovely and amazing!!
Straight up ABC from the bay area....I remember messing with fireworks until a roman candle blew up in my friend's hand. Another friend's brother lost a finger playing with those mortars in your vid.
Ping Yuen Gardens in SF...Oakland Chinatown....Center Auto Parts in Oakland, all places for illegal Fireworks!
Dude...You know it was the Chinese who invented gunpowder and fireworks...Too bad they didn't know how to put the gunpowder to different use, like the westerners who invaded.
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