Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Food Hangover

My girlfriend's parents came to town this past weekend and her father is really into good food. We ate so much, I had two days of food hangover. Everyplace we went to was incredibly good but it was a bit much for me, eventhough I love a good meal. We started Friday at the famous Peter Luger's Steakhouse in Brooklyn. I had a Rib-eye steak that must have been the size of my 12" Mac notebook. I should have started slow. Saturday night we went to Degustation which is a tasting tapas style joint.You sit at a bar and they prepare these small but incredibly tasty dishes right in front of you. Here are a few...
New interpretation of Cheesesteak. Basically a fine carpaccio with a cheese sauce. Tasty.
Lamb Belly with hasbrowns and a quail egg to top it off. The red is a beet sauce, not blood.

Suckling pig. Crispy skin and super tender meat. This was by far my favorite of the weekend.
We also went to La Esquina or The Coner in SOHO which was more of an experience then than a culinary experience. It looks like a small taco joint with standing room only but on the side there's a door with a guy and a clipboard. Once it's decided you're allowed in, you go through a door down some stairs, through the kitchen and through another door into this really cool looking underground space. The ceilings are vaulted in brick and it's really dark so it's hard to tell if it's really nice or not. Interesting experience.
Overall the food tour was a rare opportunity to a lot of nice food in a really short amount of time. I should probably only drink water and eat fruit for the rest of the week so my body can get back to normal.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you had a nice time and got to enjoy some of NYC's restaurants! Not sure how much you want to detox but water and a few squirts of lemon juice from a bottle of lemon juice (unless you have time with real lemons) is always good. If you really want to detox I've got this healthnut friend who does the lemon detox drink... (why am I always posting links in your comments)? =P

June 13, 2007 at 9:32 PM  
Blogger jayjayne said...

Lucky you! An overdose on rich-food! I guess for the normal Asian metabolism, the endless rota of meat-goods must of been slightly taxing. I mean, for God's sake, we think pig's ears are a bloody delicacy.

Many sincere wishes for you to be back upon you feet and far away from the high cholesterol diet. :)

June 15, 2007 at 5:13 PM  
Blogger Golden N Rong said...

ive always wanted to go to la esquina, but never knew if it was expensive or not.

June 17, 2007 at 8:50 AM  
Blogger Ines said...

if you're into steak, craftsteak is another place you want to try. food is great and the raw bar there is excellent. the decore is fantastic. my boss and i went to photograph the resturant for the architect that renovated the place. they have this big huge wine celler from ceiling to floor, clear glass that seperate the bar area and the dinning. very very interesting. just a curiousity, did you work as an architect before entering film?

June 18, 2007 at 5:00 PM  

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