Saturday, April 12, 2008

South Africa!!!!

I'm back in South Africa again for the fourth time or is it fifth? Anyway, this time I'm here to show my parents the land I think is one of the most beautiful in the world and it seems they are enjoying it. We were on Safari for three days in the Timbavale private game reserve, a one hour flight from Johannesburg. We had an amazing time checking out out the animals at literally an arms distance away. The photo above is a fresh lion print left in the sand.

Our guide Eric and tracker Philip found tons of lions for us amongst many other animals which I'll post when I get back to HK. Check out how close we were to this lioness. The blue thing in the bottom right corner is my Mom's shoulder. I think she almost shit herself as did I a couple times.
Now we're in Cape Town. It's my first time here and I must say it's nice. Kinda like San Francisco and Barcelona combined. This time I learned a bit more about aparteid which again I will blog more about when I get back. Next stop Lisa will join us and we'll head out to her secret spot where we like "to get away from it all". If you've seen The Heavenly Kings, it shows up in one of the last scenes in the film and is actually where I wrote the script for the flick.


Blogger L.L. said...

Wow, that is a very close picture of the lioness! I admire your parents’ bravery and see where your adventurous genes come from! :D Apartheid? That’s nasty. Please do blog more about it when you’re back in HK. May the rest of your South Africa trip go well and wild!

April 12, 2008 at 8:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

OMG!how wonderful and totally cool
to experience that up close!at least
us mere mortals can vicariously
live thru you. Can't wait to
see more pix!!
PS did you propose?

April 12, 2008 at 10:03 PM  
Blogger monchichi said...

Wow! I have never been to South Africa has been in my wish list.. perhaps next trip I would like to take my kids along to share some beautiful nature which god has given to us..
get away from everything? well.. I am learning to do that in buddhism way..its called seeking refuge. I think maybe you need that.. I am only attending this class for second time but..i am very happy to encounter this class as it teaches me lots of things to change me to a happier person.
I guess in hk you can find that too.. lots of my hong kongers friends also attend to a class a way to buddhahood. guess in entertainment business is restricting you from doing lots of things which we can do it so positive way of outlook.. you can actually use your status to help always at neutral..

April 14, 2008 at 3:26 AM  

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