Friday, June 22, 2007

Break a Leg!

If you read this blog and remember my Slam blog a few weeks ago. I should have taken that as a cue to retire from the sport forever. Two tuesdays ago I was skating to class as I've been doing everyday for the past month and a half. My trucks were loose and I kept telling myself to get a skate key and fix the problem, but I didn't and I ate shit and I broke my fucking ankle. Never having broken a bone before, it hurt pretty bad. I laid in the road for a minute trying to get my mind to get my body to do something but I was frozen there. After the initial shock, I dragged myself out of the road and in between two parked cars. My left ankle bukled outwards, so much so that my inside of ankle bone scrapped the ground and dug a good piece of skin out. I was hoping I didn't break it but when I tried to rotate my ankle I saw it flop and buldge under the skin, I knew I was fucked. After catching my breath, I called my girlfriend, Lisa who was still sleeping and she ran over to my rescue. She got me a cab and got me to the hospital.
I finally got to experience the problems with the American medical system first hand. I appreciate Hong Kong medical services so much more now. There was almost no one in the emergency room but it still took six to seven hours to get me out of there.I ended up seeing a couple more doctors and in the end I had to have an operation this past tuesday. Now I've got a bunch of pins and plates and screws in my foot now. Half of which will be removed a few months down the line. Aside from all the pain I was more bummed out I was not able to finish my last week of class. Oh well. Here are some pics. Don't worry nothing nasty, although I could post those too.
That's the x-ray of the front view of the left foot. That's the break circled in red the fibula is trashed. The blue is the direction my ankle went, not natural. Notice how the x-ray techinician can't spell. Or maybe it's German?

That's me in the emregency room right before they reset the leg. Can you see the look of anticipation?
That's them setting the leg. Not fun. Somehow taking the picture reduced the pain.
Post op pic. My roomate was a 78 year old guy who fell and broke his hip in three places. He woke up in the room in the middle of the night freaking out. He thought he was in his home and told the nurses he was going to call the cops. He pulled open my curtain divider and said "why is there a woman in my room?" I guess my long hairless Asian legs confused him. Turns out he was just too high on the morphine and was actually a nice guy.
Showering sucks now.


Blogger Golden N Rong said...

damn wu, man i hope you get better, theres a good sports therapist on Ave. J in Brooklyn, Dr. Leslie Dreifus, i go to him for all my ankle problems. get well soon

June 22, 2007 at 8:08 PM  
Blogger Perry said...

That sucks about your ankle. Yep' America's medical system stinks! I used to have Kaiser as a kid....wait around 2 Hrs., doctor sees you for 15 sec. and then sends you home.

Too bad you weren't back in SF.My buddy is an X-ray tech at SF General and we could have "hooked you up".

Actually he "hooked me up" with a free chest X-ray last week.

What a coincidence that I get an X-ray,.....then you get an X-ray.

I'm not down with getting surgery just because you had it,though.

June 22, 2007 at 9:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh nooo... I am glad you are ok though. But what a bummer!!! Sorry about the NY (USA) medical crap - our system sucks donkey ass. I broke my arm years back and it took about 8 hours before I got any help. I ended up having to go to a chinese chiropracter because my wrist bone was out of place and the doctors in the hopsital just wanted to put a cast around it (meaning when the bone grew back, I'd have a bump in my arm since the broken bone was sticking out within the skin). The chinese chiro snapped my bone back into place and put a cloth cast around it with herbs rather than regular plaster. I think I healed better and more quickly. Of course your situation may be different. Anyway, feel better. Take it easy and don't move too quick.

By the way, your last pic in the shower is HILAROUS... (sorry know it's not fun but awesome pic).

June 22, 2007 at 10:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ouch! I hope you get well soon. Give it lots of time to heal or it'll come back to haunt you in your old age.

June 23, 2007 at 12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ouch. don't worry, you'll be good as new in no time!

June 23, 2007 at 4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


June 23, 2007 at 4:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


get well soon. :)

June 25, 2007 at 6:31 PM  
Blogger Ken said...

Recently, I've taken to skateboarding for the first time in 20+ years. It's because I have to park so far from work, about half a mile. I haven't eaten it yet, but have come close. I keep wondering if it's a good idea, even though it saves time and is fun. Get well soon.

June 26, 2007 at 9:33 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I broke my leg too in 2005, and it was my left fibular. Trust me, I know exactly how it feels. I fell from a high rock at the beach, landed on hard concrete and my foot twisted the other way round. It was a clean break so it looked exactly like yours. I have a nasty scar and still pins inside my leg now to remind me of my stupidity.

What was frustrating was that I could never use the crutches AND fetch a cup of coffee at the same time!

Get well soon.

July 15, 2007 at 11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahah, funny guy.

August 3, 2007 at 1:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.k. There is no way I'd ever allow one of my patients to bear any sort of weight on a fractured ankle. I'd certainly get an MRI to see if you also the anterior/inferior tibial-fibular ligament and interosseous ligament (which hold the tibia and fibula together) and in my opinion, the position of the fibula is only fair (with some rotation, some angulation and some bayonetting and needed a plate and screws in it (with 4-6 weeks of non-weightbearing in a cast with crutches). Hope this heals o.k.

Best wishes,
Dr. David Secord

February 23, 2008 at 8:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i randomly came across your blog, but thanks for the laughs! the asian hairless leg comment and the flavored rice and videocamera stuff killed me...

August 28, 2008 at 6:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am totally right there with you. going on wk 6 after a double break in the ankle. Christams eve no less! Try the ER then!!! i was very lucky. They were all really great & supportive. The throbbing is intense sometimes. Thank goodnes for pain killers. I am very lucky to have a great ortho doc. Office has wide isles, & staff is very helpful, even letting me know if he is running a little late, so I don't have to hang out in the waiting room so long.Having to rely on others to do simple things sucks. Live in the N. E. so right now, ice, ice ice! Even going to the doc is a challenge. Good luck with recovery!

January 29, 2009 at 6:11 AM  
Blogger Willow said...

This is (very, very, very) late and you're all better and stuff... but I don't recall ever seeing the last shower pic on AnD. haha.

Have a wonderful rest of 2009! =D

July 5, 2009 at 6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't stop posting such themes. I love to read blogs like that. Just add some pics :)

January 24, 2010 at 3:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post as for me. It would be great to read something more about this theme. Thank you for giving this info.

February 12, 2010 at 1:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is very interesting for me to read this article. Thank you for it. I like such themes and anything connected to this matter. I would like to read more on that blog soon.

Best wishes

March 17, 2010 at 12:02 PM  

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